Leamington Spa Result
Our Ladies Senior Fours team traveled to Victoria Park on Thursday and should have played on Friday. However with the death of our Queen all play was cancelled in respect of this sad news.
Our ladies then were in limbo awaiting confirmation of the revised programme planned for Saturday. Bowls England then informed everyone by email, website and social media on Friday afternoon.
The team of Linda, Yvonne, Lynn and Elsie were then supposed to play at 12:30 but because of the previous matches overrunning their first match started at 1:30.
They played their match against Cambridge on rink B1 and managed a win. Then after a short break they played again at 4:15, this time their opponents were Suffolk.
Suffolk played well on rink B6 and at times we played well but we lost 19-11.
After the match we drove straight home getting back after 11 o’clock.
Overall an amazing experience for all our ladies.